What the bill does
- HB 181(full text) would help to accomplish one of FEA’s legislative priorities by taking steps to provide a stable, secure retirement to those who have dedicated their lives to Florida’s children.
- Specifically, this bill increases the cost-of-living adjustment for participants in the Florida Retirement system
What the bill does
- HB 181(full text) would help to accomplish one of FEA’s legislative priorities by taking steps to provide a stable, secure retirement to those who have dedicated their lives to Florida’s children.
- HB 181 has yet to be heard in committee.
What’s Next
- HB 181 will have its first committee stop in the House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law and Government Operations Subcommittee.
Talking Points
- Every person deserves to retire with dignity and independence.
- Educators work hard their whole lives for retirement. Without adequate cost-of-living adjustments, too many educators can’t afford to retire at all.
- Restoring the cost-of-living adjustment doesn’t just help retirees. It will create a stronger economy for all Floridians. Retirement benefits create and support thousands of jobs across all Florida communities
- The National Institute on Retirement Security estimates that every $1.00 ‘invested’ by Florida taxpayers in retirement plans supports $4.47 in total economic output. With retirement benefits for public employees representing less than 2½ percent of state and local budgets in Florida, it is a small investment with an oversized impact.