Founded in 1968, the United Faculty of Florida (UFF) is the higher education affiliate of the Florida Education Association representing faculty and graduate assistants across the state.
United Faculty of Florida statewide office
115 N Calhoun Street, Suite 6
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 224-8220
Fax: (850) 222-1767
Through UFF, higher education faculty and academic professionals are:
- Improving higher education in Florida
- Working to improve state funding for increased faculty salaries and benefits
- Working to improve the faculty’s role in decision-making on campus
- Assisting in negotiation of collective bargaining contracts for over 20,000 professionals
- Protecting academic freedom and tenure
- Defending faculty and graduate employee rights
- Influencing the formulation of policy by the governing boards
- Working for legislation to improve the quality of education in our colleges and universities
- Advancing academic excellence.
Ultimately every decision that affects higher education professionals — class loads, equipment, salaries, professional advancement and instructional resources — is either a bargaining issue or a political decision and involves UFF.
On campus, contracts negotiated and enforced by UFF and GAU chapters strengthen administrative accountability and promote educational quality.
In the political arena, UFF and its affiliates advocate the interests of all UFF constituents before the Florida Legislature and education agencies.
Nationally, UFF members are involved in a network of fellow professionals and share in numerous professional development opportunities. We are affiliated with the Florida Education Association, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO. Through our national affiliates we advocate for higher education funding and policies in Congress and federal agencies.
UFF: A growing union of higher education professionals
UFF represents more than 20,000 faculty members at 12 public universities, 14 state and community colleges, and at a private university. UFF is also the voice of 8,000 graduate assistants at four universities:
University Chapters:
- Florida A&M University
- Florida Atlantic University
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- Florida International University
- Florida Polytechnic University
- Florida State University
- New College of Florida
- University of Central Florida
- University of Florida
- University of North Florida
- University of South Florida
- University of West Florida
College Chapters:
- Broward College
- Chipola College
- College of the Florida Keys
- Eastern Florida State College
- Florida SouthWestern State College
- Florida State College at Jacksonville
- Hillsborough Community College
- Lake-Sumter State College
- Palm Beach State College
- Pasco-Hernando State College
- Pensacola State College
- Seminole State College
- State College of Florida
- St. Johns River State College
- St. Petersburg College
- Tallahassee Community College