June 16, 2020 Update:
President Fedrick Ingram sent a letter to school district superintendents around the state to make clear FEA’s position on reopening schools.
Parents’ views on the reopening of schools as determined by an FEA-commissioned poll.
June 2, 2020 Update:
- After several meetings during the month of May, The Statewide Committee to Safely Reopen Florida’s Public Schools convened by FEA has released their recommendations.
- The Higher Education Re-Opening Committee convened by FEA and the United Faculty of Florida has released their recommendations.
We are committed to ensuring the safety of the students who attend Florida’s public schools, colleges, and universities as well as the faculty and staff who work in them.
To that end, we have called on Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education, to convene a task force made up of health professionals, educators and students to work together and create a plan for a safe reopening of schools.
While we hope that Commissioner Corcoran will heed our call, we have already begun the work of bringing experts together to have these important discussions and to begin the work of coming up with plans for a safe reopening of Florida’s schools.
Resources this group will be using as well as the documents they create will be stored here so they can be viewed by FEA members as well as parents, students, and others who are concerned with a safe reopening of our schools.
- American Federation of Teachers: A Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities
- National Education Association: Initial Member Brainstorm on Schools’ Re-Opening for In-Person Learning
- Education International: Guidance to Reopen Schools and Education Institutions
- Joint Statement of National Education and Civil Rights Leaders on COVID-19 School Closure
The National Labor-Management Partnership’s Collaborating in a Crisis: Working Together to Safely Reopen Our School Buildings
- Florida School Boards Association Recommendations for Re-opening Florida’s Public Schools
- Centers for Disease Control: Draft Reopening Guidance (Pages 4-6 are school related)
- Centers for Disease Control: School Reopening Decision Tree (updated May 15)
- Centers for Disease Control: School and Child Care Programs Guidance (updated May 15)
- UNICEF: Framework for Reopening Schools
- Great Lakes Center: Education in the Time of COVID-19: Remote learning Part 1
- McKinsey & Company: Perspectives for Opening Schools
- Education Resource Services: Financial Implications of COVID-19
- Education Next: A Blueprint for Back to School
- How to Reopen Schools: A 10-Point Plan for Keeping Equity at the Center
- Gov. DeSantis: May 4 Executive Order
- Re-Open Florida Task Force’s Report to Gov. DeSantis