

The 150,000 members of the Florida Education Association are the united voice for excellence in public education in our state.

The majority of those members are teachers in Florida’s pre-K-12 public schools. Their commitment to student success and professional excellence is the foundation of each and every neighborhood public school.

By joining and taking an active role in their union, FEA teacher members have access to a national community of colleagues four million strong. United,  these educators are dedicated to nurturing students’ natural curiosity, imagination and love of learning. They are teaching and developing tomorrow’s thinkers, artists and leaders.

Their union membership unlocks access to professional development opportunities, events and other resources for personal and professional growth.

Members answer the call

It’s no secret that after a decades-long denigration of the profession, Florida is facing a serious and growing teacher shortage.

So far, the Legislature has failed to take attempt any long-term solutions to this crisis. Instead, we have seen short-term patches such as waiving teacher preparation requirements, promoting scripted lessons, and a reliance on failed bonus programs. These strategies have served only to accelerate teacher turnover while also weakening professional practice.

Florida’s students have suffered long enough through these misguided attempts in the Legislature to solve the shortage crisis. Through their local unions FEA’s teacher members are leading the charge for real change and long-term solutions including:

  • Increasing pay for teachers and education staff professionals to at least the national average.
  • Incentivizing retention in the profession with multi-year contracts after a probationary period
  • Reducing the time spent on testing and test-preparation so that teachers have time to teach and students have time to learn
  • Restoring autonomy to professional educators so they can provide each student with the instruction they need instead of being forced to stick to scripted lessons
  • Addressing student debt through incentive such as loan forgiveness, grants, scholarships and support for pre-service teacher programs
  • Providing funding and time for structured mentoring support for new teachers
  • Providing meaningful professional development for all instructional and non-instructional professionals


Teacher and Staff Shortages Persist and Tell a Deeper Story About Problematic Policies

New teacher vacancy numbers show that halfway through the school year there are still 3,197 advertised instructional vacancies across the K-12 system. Thousands of students across the public school system…

Read more about Teacher and Staff Shortages Persist and Tell a Deeper Story About Problematic Policies

U.S. District Judge Rules Part of Florida’s 2023 Union Busting Bill Unconstitutional

SB 256, which removed the ability for automatic payroll deduction for union fees, was ruled unconstitutional and in violation of the federal government’s contracts clause.

Read more about U.S. District Judge Rules Part of Florida’s 2023 Union Busting Bill Unconstitutional

Students Win with Pro-Public Education Measures Passed Across State

Voters overwhelmingly passed funding referenda, elected pro-education school board candidates and rejected Amendment 1 during this general election.

Read more about Students Win with Pro-Public Education Measures Passed Across State

SAT Scores and the Impact of Underfunding Public Education

The recent release of SAT scores shines a much-needed light on how Florida’s attacks on teachers are felt by Florida’s children. In the past seven years, Florida’s average SAT score…

Read more about SAT Scores and the Impact of Underfunding Public Education

Member Profile: Ruby Encarnacion, Volusia United Educators

#thankaneducator: Help us thank an educator like Ruby Encarnacion today! Ruby Encarnacion faced struggles as an educator with disabilities. With the help of her union, she is…

Read more about Member Profile: Ruby Encarnacion, Volusia United Educators

Member Spotlight: Carla Cundiff, Indian River County Education Association

In serving on IRCEA’s executive board, Cundiff carries on a family legacy. Her mother was a founding member of IRCEA in the 1970s. Cundiff maintains a large, diverse classroom library.…

Read more about Member Spotlight: Carla Cundiff, Indian River County Education Association