2025 Legislative Session

The legislative session is a chance for members to speak out and show up for their students, their professions and our public schools. We’re fighting for a better life for educators and students.

Bills We're Following

S.B. 136

Companion: HB 439
Teacher Fair
Pay Act

Good for educators

This bill fulfills one of FEA’s legislative priorities by removing burdensome regulations that keep teachers from receiving fair raises.

S.B. 140

Companion: HB 123
Enriching Corporate Charter Schools

Bad for communities

This bill undermines neighborhood public schools by making it easier for charter schools to rake in profit at the expense of public schools.

S.B. 296

Companion: HB 361
Revising School Start Times

Good for communities

This bill repeals an unfunded mandate and restores local control by allowing each school districts to decide the start time for their schools instead of those start times being uniformly decided in Tallahassee.

S.B. 166

Companion: None currenty filed

Restoring Local Control

Good for students & educators

This bill fulfills ones of FEA’s legislative priorities of helping to retain teachers by allowing them to earn multi-year contracts.

S.B. 1766

Companion: HB 1387

Attack on your Freedom to Join a Union

Bad for communities

These bills attempt to silence the voices of teachers and education staff professionals who advocate for positive change for their students, themselves and their communities.

S.B. 760

Companion: HB 631

Graduate Student Fee Waivers

Good for higher education

Currently, graduate students–who teach up to 40% of undergraduate courses–have to pay to work. This bill reduces student fees for graduate assistants

S.B. 3573

Companion: HB 9999

The Bill for Good Stuff for Education

Unclear what this is

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Learn more about the good stuff bill.

S.B. 3573

Companion: HB 9999

The Bill for Good Stuff for Education

Good for students

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Learn more about the good stuff bill.

Weekly Schedule

Agenda Watch: It is another front-loaded week with several major bills being heard on Monday and Tuesday including bill that continue to prioritize spending on charter schools instead of public schools and a bill designed to attack our unions.

All meetings are livestreamed on The Florida Channel where they are also available for on-demand viewing within 24 hours of the conclusion of the meeting.

Resources for Action


Becoming an Informed Advocate

This presentation handout gives an overview of how to monitor bills in the Florida Legislature during session.

FEA Session Focus

This presentation handout gives an overview of how to monitor bills in the Florida Legislature during session.

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