
It was a year of ‘firsts’ and political engagement for FEA-Retired

By Janice Poirier, President FEA-Retired

This past year has been difficult to say the least. The members of FEA-Retired are resilient and forged ahead. We stayed safe and held our meetings virtually and when we had to go out, we practiced social distancing. We are “retired but still active!”

This Covid-19 pandemic has shattered many lives. Some of us have lost loved ones. We’ve had to learn how to social distance, wear a face mask, stay out of crowded places and wash our hands constantly. For most of us, travel has all but ceased.

When the going gets tough, the determined go virtual. FEA-Retired kept the advocacy going via Zoom. Here, members participate in an October practice session for the first-ever virtual FEA-Retired Annual Meeting.

Since March 2020, all of our work has been done safely through Zoom meetings. That’s different, but we did it. Some of us have gotten so good that we can Zoom two or three meetings at once on different devices. Fun!


FEA-Retired members worked hard to get out the vote for the 2020 elections while maintaining Covid-19 safety protocols.

FEA-Retired stepped up to the plate during this past election, and I could not be more proud. We worked tirelessly for the candidates of our choice. We engaged in phone banking, texting, canvassing, peaceful rallies, sign waving, caravans and mailing post cards. We worked hard. I learned how to use the Hustle app to text and have done so while on a Zoom meeting. The retirees have gotten use to multitasking. Some of us are more tech savvy than others, but we all can maneuver around our phones and laptops pretty well.

2020 was a year of “firsts.” We held our first virtual FEA-Retired Annual Meeting, and I am very proud to announce I was elected to my second term as president. Thanks so much to those in the IT Department at FEA for helping to make that meeting a success.

The firsts for our organization are continuing into 2021. Our first virtual Leadership Training and FEA-Retired Executive Board Meeting took place in late January.

One of our goals is to increase membership in FEA-Retired. That will become a reality with a new Membership Committee with members appointed by me who are not currently serving on a committee. It’s important to me to include as many members as possible who want to do the work of FEA-Retired.

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