
UFF Legislative Toolkit

Call, email and meet with your state representative and senator

It may seem antiquated, but your elected officials hearing from you makes a difference. Their staff has to document how many points of contact they receive for or against any piece of legislation that they will be voting on. So together, we can make a real difference here!

You are a constituent of these legislators, and they need to honor your request to hear your concerns and schedule a time to meet with you in person or virtually. (Read more about these bills below).

Enter your home address below and complete the form to request a meeting with your senator and representative about higher education:

Here are a few more ways to take action:

1. Testify in person or virtually!

If you are willing to to testify — in person, in Tallahassee or remotely —  or offer written testimony, please let UFF (uff@floridaea.org) know ASAP.

2. Write an OpEd for your local paper

FEA’s Write a Letter to the Editor tool has weblinks to many local papers — or you can contact your paper directly. Please share it widely so we can cross-promote your contribution! Make your personal story heard and felt as it relates to the proposed legislation and its impacts on your workplace.

3. Join the Working Families Lobby Corps

2022 Working Families Lobby Corps signup — Through the Florida AFL-CIO, members can sign up to help AFL-CIO, one of our affiliated unions, with its advocacy against union-busting and education-hobbling bills.

More info on the Working Families Lobby Corps can be found  on the Florida AFL-CIO website.

4. Host a Zoom phone party or video party to:

  • Make phone calls to legislative offices
  • Write postcards or short written letters to legislators
  • Tweetstorm your legislators
  • Write letters to your local paper

Learn more about the bills we’re most concerned about

SB 1458 / HB 1197 – “Employee Organizations” – This bill will remove the right to organize, form, and keep unions for many workers in Florida’s higher education system by requiring membership percentage minimums, removing payroll deductions for union dues, and allowing for unreasonable challenges to union membership lists. UFF stands opposed to this clear attempt to undermine the rights to collective action guaranteed in the Florida Constitution.

SB 520 / HB 703 – “Public Records and Public Meetings” – This bill will remove presidential job searches at Florida’s universities and colleges from Sunshine Law requirements, meaning full lists of candidates, identifications of conflicts of interest, and other safeguards of state dollars and resources will no longer be available to the public. Secrecy only benefits those with ulterior motives. UFF stands on the side of the faculty, staff, students, and public of Florida in supporting transparency in these key hiring processes.

HB 6007 – “Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms” – At UFF, we believe guns have no place on college and university campuses, unless in the hands of law enforcement professionals who are trained in de-escalation techniques. Florida has already seen enough gun violence. There is no need to add the potential for more destruction with this reckless and senseless bill.

Weekly Schedule

Agenda Watch: During the interim weeks, the committees will receive reports and presentations as requested by the committee’s chairperson. The types of information shared during these meetings offers insight into what the committees will focus on during the regular session. 

It’s also important to note that bills can move through committees during the interim committee week period. Sometimes substantial bills even make it through all of their committee stops during this interim period meaning they are ready for final passage as soon as session technically begins in March.

Legislators count on the public not paying attention during the interim committee weeks, and we must make sure they know we’re watching them every step of the way.  

Click on the plus sign (+) by the week to expand the details for the week.

Monday, January 13

  • No education related committee meetings in either chamber.

Tuesday, January 14

Wednesday, January 15

Thursday, January 16

  • No education related committee meetings in either chamber.

Friday, January 17

  • No education related committee meetings in either chamber.

Monday, January 20

  • State offices closed in honor of MLK, Jr. holiday

Tuesday, January 21

  • No education related committee meetings in either chamber.

Wednesday, January 22

Thursday, January 23

Friday, January 24

  • No education related committee meetings in either chamber.

Tuesday, September 19

  • 9:00-10:30 a.m. Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee is not meeting during their designated time.
  • 1:30-3:00 p.m. House Education Quality Subcommittee is not meeting during their designated time.

Note: there are no committee meetings scheduled on Monday or Wednesday-Friday.

Tuesday, October 10

Wednesday, October 11

Note: There are no committee meetings scheduled on Monday, Thursday or Friday. Full schedule for the week is here.

Monday, October 16: No education related committees meeting in either chamber.
Tuesday, October 17:
Wednesday, October 18:
Thursday October 19:
Friday October 20: No education related committees currently scheduled to meet.
  • The above list is only for education related committee meetings. A listing of all committee meetings for the week can be found here.
  • Committees may, or may not, meet during their scheduled time. However, they cannot meet outside of their scheduled time.
  • During interim committee weeks, agendas must be finalized one week before the committee meeting. As agendas are released, we’ll add them to this page or indicate the committee isn’t meeting during its scheduled time.

Monday, November 6:

Tuesday, November 7:

Wednesday, November 8:

Thursday, November 9: 

Friday, November 10: (Veterans Day observed): No meetings currently scheduled.


  • Only education related committee meetings are shown above. To see the full schedule of meetings for the week, click here.
  • For interim committee week meetings, agendas must be published a full week in advance. However, special session meeting agendas only require two hours notice. We’ll post agendas as soon as they become available. 

Monday, November 13:

  • No education related meetings scheduled in either chamber.

Tuesday, November 14:

Wednesday, November 15

Thursday, November 16

Friday, November 17

  • No meetings scheduled in either chamber.


  • Only education related meetings are shown above. To see the full schedule of meetings for the week, click here.
  • Videos of the meetings are available within a few hours of the conclusion of the meeting. We’ll post videos as soon as they are available.

Monday, December 4

  • No education committee meetings scheduled.

Tuesday, December 5

Wednesday, December 6

Thursday, December 7

Friday, December 8

  • No meetings currently scheduled.


  • Only education committee meetings are listed above. For a full listing of committee meetings, click here.
  • Agendas will be released during the week of November 27, and we will post agendas as soon as they are available.

Monday, December 11

  • No education committee meetings in either chamber.

Tuesday, December 12

Wednesday, December 13

Thursday, December 14

Friday, December 15

  • No meetings scheduled in either chamber.


  • Only education committee meetings are listed above. For a full listing of committee meetings, click here.
All meetings are livestreamed on The Florida Channel where they are also available for on-demand viewing within 24 hours of the conclusion of the meeting.

Teacher and Staff Shortages Persist and Tell a Deeper Story About Problematic Policies

New teacher vacancy numbers show that halfway through the school year there are still 3,197 advertised instructional vacancies across the K-12 system. Thousands of students across the public school system…

Read more about Teacher and Staff Shortages Persist and Tell a Deeper Story About Problematic Policies

U.S. District Judge Rules Part of Florida’s 2023 Union Busting Bill Unconstitutional

SB 256, which removed the ability for automatic payroll deduction for union fees, was ruled unconstitutional and in violation of the federal government’s contracts clause.

Read more about U.S. District Judge Rules Part of Florida’s 2023 Union Busting Bill Unconstitutional

Students Win with Pro-Public Education Measures Passed Across State

Voters overwhelmingly passed funding referenda, elected pro-education school board candidates and rejected Amendment 1 during this general election.

Read more about Students Win with Pro-Public Education Measures Passed Across State

SAT Scores and the Impact of Underfunding Public Education

The recent release of SAT scores shines a much-needed light on how Florida’s attacks on teachers are felt by Florida’s children. In the past seven years, Florida’s average SAT score…

Read more about SAT Scores and the Impact of Underfunding Public Education

Member Profile: Ruby Encarnacion, Volusia United Educators

#thankaneducator: Help us thank an educator like Ruby Encarnacion today! Ruby Encarnacion faced struggles as an educator with disabilities. With the help of her union, she is…

Read more about Member Profile: Ruby Encarnacion, Volusia United Educators

Member Spotlight: Carla Cundiff, Indian River County Education Association

In serving on IRCEA’s executive board, Cundiff carries on a family legacy. Her mother was a founding member of IRCEA in the 1970s. Cundiff maintains a large, diverse classroom library.…

Read more about Member Spotlight: Carla Cundiff, Indian River County Education Association