Education Unions Stand with Florida Educators

As Florida educators continue to call on state legislators to Fund Our Future, education unions across the country are voicing their support and solidarity.

AFT Connecticut: FEA’s fight is our fight

As taxpayers, we understand our collective responsibility to fund our future when it comes to investing in traditional neighborhood schools. We know that high quality public education is the best way to ensure the opportunity for every student to get ahead in life and contribute to our common future.

Across the country, however, many politicians have prioritized tax cuts for the benefit of the ultra-rich, corporate profits and privatization over public education. Too many students are suffering as their schools are starved in order to enable the top one percent to line their pockets.

The Florida Education Associations (FEA), its affiliated local unions, parents, students and community allies have been demanding justice for their students and families for years. They understand that learning depends on what happens outside, as well as inside, their classroom.

We stand with the FEA as they fight for a world-class education system with experienced, qualified teachers in every classroom and class sizes small enough for one-on-one attention.

Their students deserve support, tools and time to learn. They deserve safe schools, inviting classrooms and well-rounded curricula that include art, music and physical education.

These demands would not only benefit young people but their educators and communities, too.

We stand with the FEA because the fight being waged in Florida is our fight, regardless of where we live. We are all #4EveryStudent.

Jan Hochadel
President, AFT Connecticut

Education Minnesota: Fully fund Florida public schools

The 85,000 members of Education Minnesota stand with you in solidarity today. We know the challenges facing our schools, the continued unmet needs of students and the concerns shared by their parents and educators.

We support you in using your voices “4 Every Student”, reminding Florida legislators to invest in the public education students of your state. 

In Solidarity,
Denise Specht
President, Education Minnesota

AFT New Mexico: Educators like you are leading the charge for better public schools for our students

The American Federation of Teachers New Mexico stands in solidarity with the members of the Florida Education Association!

Educators are leading the charge for better public schools for our students, better partnerships with the communities we serve, and stronger voices in our workplaces. Please know that as you fight for the students and families of Florida, we are cheering you on from across the country!

We too, have fought against failed austerity policies in New Mexico that starved our schools, attempted to weaken our union, and sought to de-professionalized education at every level. We fought back against these policies, re-doubled our efforts, and changed the administration in Santa Fe. Today, we are seeing historic investments in public schools, educator recruitment, salaries, community school initiatives, and increased labor rights. We know that you will also achieve the public education system that Florida students and families deserve.

No matter how hard it seems – your rights are worth fighting for, your students are worth fighting for, your community is worth fighting for, and your profession is worth fighting for! We stand with you!

Stephanie Ly
President, AFT New Mexico

NYSUT: The days of underfunding public schools and depriving students must end

A well-rounded education is the single most important thing we can provide our children. The New York State United Teachers stand in solidarity with the Florida Education Association to say that the days of underfunding public schools and depriving students and staff of the resources they need to succeed must end. It’s time lawmakers provided fair funding for public schools — because Florida’s kids don’t get a second chance at a high-quality K-12 education.

Matt Hamilton
Press Secretary, New York State United Teachers

AFT Pennsylvania: It’s time to put students, educators and families ahead of corporate interests

Across the nation, anti-public education legislators have created a crisis in our public schools. It is long past time that state lawmakers—from Pennsylvania to Florida, and beyond—step up for students and educators. Our children deserve safe schools, inviting classrooms, and well-rounded curriculum. It’s time that politicians put students, educators, and families over the interests of their corporate donors.

Arthur Steinberg
President AFT Pennsylvania

AFT West Virginia: We stand proudly with our union brothers and sisters in Florida

West Virginia teachers and service personnel understand firsthand the challenges that Florida educators are facing. Low pay and an underfunded health insurance benefit prompted a statewide strike of WV teachers and service personnel in 2018. After the successful resolution of the strike, our Republican legislative leaders came back during the next session with a vengeance, proposing every piece of bad education policy they could muster coupled with a pay raise in one omnibus education bill. At the expense of their own pay increase, our education employees took to the streets once again, striking to stop harmful initiatives like charter schools and education vouchers. All of this amid our own teacher shortage, similar to the one Florida is also facing.

As you embark on the fight for the world-class, well-rounded education system your students deserve, please know the teachers and service personnel of AFT-West Virginia stand proudly with you. While we may not be at your rally at the Florida State Capitol on Monday, January 13, 2020, please know your West Virginia union brothers and sisters are with you in spirit and offer our unwavering support.

In Solidarity,
Fred Albert
President, AFT-WV

Florida’s Kids Stand to Lose with Overreaching U.S. DOE Executive Order

Florida Education Association President Andrew Spar has released the following statement after the executive order calling for the shutdown of the U.S. Department of Education: “Public schools and the U.S.…

Read more about Florida’s Kids Stand to Lose with Overreaching U.S. DOE Executive Order

Congress: We Must Protect our Kids

Florida Education Association President Andrew Spar has released the following statement after mass layoffs were announced at the U.S. Department of Education: “Public schools and the U.S. Department of Education…

Read more about Congress: We Must Protect our Kids

FEA Calls on Legislators to Protect Children in Florida’s Diverse Immigrant Community

The Florida Education Association has released the following statement addressing SB 2C, one of Florida’s recent immigration bills signed today by Governor DeSantis:“Florida’s recent immigration bill SB 2C concerns us…

Read more about FEA Calls on Legislators to Protect Children in Florida’s Diverse Immigrant Community