Estamos juntos en esto: Encuesta de padres / guardianes

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FEA está recopilando esta información para ver cómo los padres y nuestros estudiantes están teniendo éxito con las escuelas cerradas. La información que recopilamos de los padres permitirá que los educadores de Florida satisfagan las necesidades de sus estudiantes cuando regresen a los centros escolares.

Para la mayoría, la encuesta tomará 3-5 minutos.

Esta encuesta será anónima.

FEA Calls on Legislators to Protect Children in Florida’s Diverse Immigrant Community

The Florida Education Association has released the following statement addressing SB 2C, one of Florida’s recent immigration bills signed today by Governor DeSantis:“Florida’s recent immigration bill SB 2C concerns us…

Read more about FEA Calls on Legislators to Protect Children in Florida’s Diverse Immigrant Community

FEA Stands with Florida’s Diverse Immigrant Community

Our hearts weigh heavy with the news that a DACA teacher and UTD member was detained recently at what he thought would be another regular immigration hearing.We cannot purport to…

Read more about FEA Stands with Florida’s Diverse Immigrant Community

Florida Educators Remain Focused on Students in Light of Federal Uncertainty

The Florida Education Association has released the following statement addressing the uncertainty surrounding federal executive orders and reaffirming their commitment to Florida’s educators and children. “Educators in Florida want to…

Read more about Florida Educators Remain Focused on Students in Light of Federal Uncertainty