Distance Learning Resources for Educators and Parents

Updated April 30, 2020 (Zoom resources and NEA Foundation grants)

FEA has collected a number of resource for educators and parents to engage in education and distance learning while Florida’s schools are closed due to the COVID pandemic. 

Do you have a resource, tool or website you’d like to recommend to your fellow educators? Use our form to submit a distance learning resource you are using or have found useful.

Resources for Elementary Grades

General tips and subject specific strategies for Pre-K through grade 5. 

  • STEM Resources from NASA – includes grade level recommendations 
  • Smithsonian Institute Early Enrichment Center – resources for teaching about art  
  • Scholastic StudyJams – 200 jams (videos, slideshows) on Science and Math topics like the universe, photosynthesis, and creating equations from word problems.
  • Flying Classroom – 55 STEM+ global expeditions with Capt. Irving including 165 K-12 engaging lessons 
  • Studentreasures – resources for parents and teachers to guide a child to becoming a published author
  • Oxford Owl – lessons for teaching phonics, grammar, and reading including videos (early elementary)
  • BrainPop Jr. – free access during school closures to learning tools for STEM, social studies, reading/writing, health and arts for grades K-3
  • Prodigy – free, game-based Math learning platform for 1-8th grade students 

Resources for Secondary Grades (by subject)

General tips and subject-specific strategies for grades 6 through 12.

Arts and Humanities


English Language Arts

  • NewsELA offers a wide variety of high-interest articles for students to read with standards-aligned questions. User fees have been waived for the duration of the crisis and educators new to the platform or to digital learning in general can sign up for live tutorials hosted by former teachers.

Math resources 

  • Math Nation is an online resroucre developed by the University of Florida’s Lastinger Center. Through August 31, 2020, Math Nation is offering their resources free of charge to educators. 

Physical Education     


Science Resources 

  • Gizmos by Explore Learning, provides 400+ online simulations and labs to help students understand scientific concepts. Free trials are now available for 60 days.
  • The Smithsonian Institution has compiled a Google Doc which is updated regularly and provides resources for teaching many scientific concepts via distance learning. (A limited number of the resources are available in Spanish)
  • STEM Resources from NASA – These activities and resources are grouped by grade level and subject

Social Studies Resources

Resources for Education Staff Professionals

Tips and strategies for online instruction with college students. The resources listed below are reproduced from the Digital Learning and COVID-19 (PDF, 174K) written by NEA’s Education and Policy Practice team.

Resources for Higher Education

Tips and strategies for online instruction with college students. The resources listed below are reproduced from the Digital Learning and COVID-19 (PDF, 174K) written by NEA’s Education and Policy Practice team.

For Parents

Digital Learning

Tips and tools for designing and redesigning lesson for online delivery. Some of the tools anmd resources listed below are reproduced from the Digital Learning and COVID-19 (PDF, 174K) written by NEA’s Education and Policy Practice team.

English Language Learner resources

Tips and strategies for assisting students in all grades.

  • ¡Colorin Colorado! Provides a wealth of resources in multiple languages as well as best practices for distance learning for English Language Learners
  • SupportEd has a series of webinars dealing with teaching ELL students online. The webinars can be watched on demand.

Exceptional Student Education resources

Tips and Strategies for assisting students in all grades.

Free and Discounted Education Tools

Lists and links to low and no-cost educational resources for educators. 

Grants and Funding

The NEA Foundation is providing three new grant opportunities to support public educators’ emerging needs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on teaching and learning:

  • The COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants will support educator-led initiatives to adapt to the unique circumstances during the summer months of 2020. The application process will be open through May 28.
  • Learning and Leadership Grants will support educators’ professional development focused on adapting to the unique challenges of the 2020-2021 school year. Applications will be available beginning April 30 through July 15.
  • Student Success Grants will support educator-led initiatives that increase educational equity and opportunity, responding to student needs that emerged or intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications will be available beginning April 30 through July 15.

Professional Learning and Instructional Coaching

Tips for collaborating with colleagues.

For Instructional Coaches

  • Coaching during a Crisis by Learning Forward, provides insights into the role of Instructional Coaches in supporting teachers and students in distance learning. Webinars and resources are available.

Online Professional Learning

  • Tech Against Coronavirus – This list encompasses a wide variety of software solutions to maintain collaboration and work remotely with your team.

Wellness for Educators

Tips for our new normal and maintaining work/life balance.  

  • American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has provided trauma and counseling resources. (Note: These resources are available only for AFT members (FEA members are AFT members). If you experience a problem accessing your account, please contact AFT Membership at membership@aft.org or 1-888-238-5646.) 

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