Updated March 26 with Dept. of Labor flier and NEA’s CARES Act explainer.
Take Action | Info about COVID Relief Bills
Take Action
As the federal government continues to discuss ways to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact our national affiliates — the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), National Education Association (NEA) and the AFL-CIO — are asking members to take action to protect students, educators, healthcare professionals and working people.
- American Federation of Teachers’ Top ‘Asks’ from Congress on COVID-19
- National Education Association‘s Education Votes COVID-19 Action Page
- AFL-CIO‘s Take Action: COVID-19 page, with action alerts from national unions representing public employees, educators, airline workers and many more.
- AFL-CIO‘s Priorities of the Labor Movement
Information about COVID-19 Relief Bills
As information from official sources and our national affiliates become available we will post them here.
- AFT CARES Act summary (PDF, 291K)
- NEA CARES Act explainer (PDF, 523K)
- Additional NEA explainers
- CARE Act Payments (Word Doc, 32K)
- Education Stabilization Fund (Word Doc, 39K)
- Student Loans (Word Doc, 35K)
- Unemployment Insurance (Word Doc, 32K)
- ESSA Waivers (Word Doc, 39K)
School Meals (PDF, 170K)
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- US Dept. of Labor Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA flier under Families First Coronavirus Response Act (PDF 172 K)
- NEA Families First Coronavirus Response Act explainer, (PDF, 618K) HB 6201, passed March 14
- NEA post-HB 6201 asks (PDF, 202K)